Operation HOHAAAA Launched at the AAAA Mission Solutions Summit!
House of Heroes is proud to team with the Army Aviation Association of America to challenge each Quad-A Chapter to accomplish one HOH project within the next twelve months. Operation HOHAAAA was launched at the AAAA Mission Solutions Summit in Atlanta on 28 April 2106. If your Chapter would like to participate, please register here to get the conversation started. We look forward to working with your Chapter to honor and serve the Army Aviation Soldier and their families! Congratulations to Dave Cooper, AAAA VP of Membership, for helping to start off the HOHAAAA project in Carmi, Illinois. Dave was able to energize twenty soldiers from the Air Assault Chapter of AAAA Ft. Campbell Kentucky to help HOH complete Vietnam Veteran Jim Pfister's home. With the support of Stanley Black and Decker and Army soldiers, Jim's house was repaired and beautified. It was a tremendous day of service and honor with more than one hundred people who came out to support this former POW. Thank you Dave, AAAA and those awesome Ft. Campbell soldiers who stepped up to help. Click here to see the gallery photos.